Archive for holidays

Case of the Ex

Posted in Life with tags , on December 11, 2009 by tjdeuceosix

Man, I don’t know what’s going on with me lately. Since Thanksgiving, I’ve been thinking about the ex a lot. Like…Hella. I guess it’s probably because it’s the holidays after the breakup. I really hate it. I been trying to distract myself but it’s real hard. During the summer, I thought I was aight. Then at the end of summer, I spoke with her for the first time since May. It was actually a decent, enjoyable conversation. At that point we squashed any beef we had with each other, which is good. The whole point of me starting this blog was for me to write down and remind myself the changes I’ve made/need to make. I feel this was another step towards that. But on the other hand, it sort of threw me back like 10 steps in the “getting over the ex” process. Me not hating her anymore made it easier to remember how happy she used to make me at one point in time. It made me miss her. It’s shitty. And it kind of hinders me from wanting to get out there and meet women/date women. Maybe putting this “down on (digital) paper” will sort of help clear my mind a bit. I know I’ve got great family and friends to have my back and cheer me up this holiday season. Hopefully things will get better for me mentally after the new year. Lord knows that this year was shitty on so many levels. I just gotta go into next year with a positive attitude and hopefully things will get better.